Friday, December 7, 2012

Undeserved Gift

The words “Love is patient, love is kind” is found in I Corinthians 13 . This chapter is referred to as the love chapter and is often read at weddings.  The best marriage, or relationship, advice I could offer is to focus on what love is; simply, love is patient and kind.  The remaining verses in the love chapter explain what love is not. 
While I was out shopping, I found myself pondering “love is patient, love is kind.” I was lost in my thoughts and unloaded my cart in the express lane; I had way more than 12 items.  I did not realize my error until I saw the people in line behind me holding only a few items.  I was so embarrassed!  I apologized profusely to the cashier and to the other customers. Guess what?  They were all patient and kind to me.  What an undeserved gift!

Patience and kindness extends grace to others.  When I make a mistake, I appreciate it when others are patient and kind to me.  I try to remind myself to extend patience and kindness to others when they make a mistake.  It's not easy, so I had a plaque made displaying the words “Love is patient, love is kind.” I have it in a location where I see it every day to remind me to be nice.
Let's improve our relationships this season by giving patience and kindness to those around us.  According to Romans 2:4, God’s kindness leads people to repentance.  Loving those around us is something we all have to work on everyday, but it will make a signficant difference in our relationships. Love never fails.